Data Mining

Knowledge is the most valuable asset of the modern enterprise. For knowledge to be obtained there is the need to follow a very systematic approach that involves:

  • The collection of the appropriate data
  • The analysis of these data and the discovery of hidden information and undiscovered behavioral patterns
  • The use of this knowledge to design action strategies

DataPower can help any enterprise that follows the way of thinking mentioned above, by processing all available Business Information with Data Mining techniques.

Data mining (DM), also called Knowledge-Discovery in Databases (KDD) or Knowledge-Discovery and Data Mining, is the process of methodically searching and analyzing massive quantities of information that is usually collected by the enterprises and is stored in various data bases aiming to find hidden patterns.

By employing DataPower’s services a company will aim:

  • To understand better the reasons that lead to particular client behavior
  • To create behavior models so that customers’ reactions to certain activities can be foreseen with great certainty.

As a result the company can plan and implement activities that are close to their customers’ needs and desires, with the benefit of:

  • Attracting new customers: Identifying the profile of the “good” customer and finding ways to appeal to new customers with the same profile.
  • Stopping old customers from leaving / be prepared for those that will: Identifying the profile of customers with increased possibilities to discontinue their cooperation and planning actions for preventing that. Or make the necessary arrangements so that the cost their attrition will be lower.
  • Cross selling: Identifying the profile of the customers which would be interested in buying additional products or services offered by the company / organization.
  • Target Marketing: Design the right product for the right client.

For these analyses, our company uses the latest technology’s software implementing Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence techniques.